Homelend - Platform builder flat mortgage peer-to-peer

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More and more people are increasingly dependent on where to live. As if this would be a real threat in the future. And you realize that the future is today. Millions of people around the world are experiencing stress, difficulty with how the property or family becomes professional. Because business is a very broad factor, so many parties. And this allows you to make everything or buy a home more difficult.Since today's digital Internet era in such a way that its form and its derivatives, this is undoubtedly a major breakthrough. I am still wondering how the decentralization system is the foundation of all this complexity? Imagine a new platform that will be a lifesaver. The platform called "Homeland" is worthy of your participation in your home business. Either a tenant, or a buyer, or some other financing needs for financing. The Homelend project presents a platform that hopes to bring the mortgage industry to a new level. How to? After developing the three methods of crediting P2P, which will be used on the platform: auction, consolidation, and net processing. Intermediaries and mediators will be excluded from the process, as the following loan practices will monitor and execute on behalf of financial resources is what is known as a smart deal . In addition, every method of breaking mortgage loans into so-called "wedges", and these methods differ depending on the specific approach to a previously agreed mortgage.

What is Homelend?

Homelend is a Blockchain platform that was developed to ease mortgage origination. The platform is expected to transform it into a simpler, more efficient and fair process. It intends to achieve this by reducing the distance between borrowers and lenders. Basically, it's a mortgage lending platform.

What is Homelend Destination?

To find a niche in the global real estate loan market and provide credit services to organizations and individuals, and the ultimate goal is the destruction of traditional imperfect predator mortgage systems and replace them with transparent decentralization loans through the use of intelligent contracts, improve efficiency, profitability, and market oriented mortgages client.

By what agreement is the homelend?

Through the use of smart contracting and decentralized accounting. For the blockade, creditors and borrowers will connect as users, and the system will govern the relationship between all parties involved.

How many mechanisms are there in Homelend?

Mechanism 1 - kraudfanding:

Kraudfanding will be the primary way of lending on the Homelend site. The creditor will allocate their funds for the loan to the borrower in installments. The borrower will also have the opportunity to collect the required loan amount in the different parts of the creditor. Thus, the loan will be divided into small "factions".

Mechanism 2 - association:

With this method, the lender will be able to provide credit services through smart contracts until the time of initial loan approval. loans as well as in the previous mechanism will be partially recruited, but the intellectual contract will give the lender an opportunity to start working with the borrower even before the loan is formally approved, which will significantly reduce the time spent on traditional bureaucratic procedures.

Mechanism 3 - Auction:

The auctions will allow creditors to get the contract for the most favorable and safe conditions for them. This means that first borrowers will receive borrowers who have higher credit ratings, better credit history, and higher interest rates. At the same time, the lender will compete with other creditors and thus the market will set itself optimal lending conditions. The hallmark of this mechanism is that lenders, if they so choose, will be able to offer buyers credit packs even better conditions than those officially approved by the system.


P2P Lending and the Mortgage industry: Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, also known as "alternative finance," is the process by which individuals can borrow and lend from each other without the intervention of banks or other financial intermediaries. Blockchain technology creates new possibilities for P2P lending. It is now considered the next step in digital ledger technology (DLT), after decentralized money payments surged in the form of bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. Indeed, the immutability, transparency, and security provided by DLT makes it possible to record transactions, among them loans, without banks or other financial entities acting as middlemen.

Homelend's P2P mortgage lending mechanism: Homelend P2P platform works by embedding mortgage lending business logic into smart contracts. This is the platform's core functionality. By creating a set of smart contracts that execute business processes, Homelend allows individuals to borrow money from their peers in a trusted, transparent, and secure way. The key idea is that the intermediary (i.e. a bank or a centralized P2P lending platform), but rather by smart contracts that automatically execute a pre-defined business logic.

P2P lending methods: Homelend will develop three different P2P lending methods: pure crowdfunding, pooling, and auction. In each of them, the flow of financial resources is controlled and executed by smart contracts, without middlemen or financial intermediaries. Also, the splitting of mortgage loans into "slices" is present in each method. The difference between the methods arises from the appro- priate approach to and a pre-approved mortgage loan.

Closing and mortgage deed assignment: The closing of the mortgage is the final and, typically, the more complex stage of the origination process. It requires signature approval on many documents and involves multiple parties. Above all, it is the moment when the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer / borrower, and when the promissory note and mortgage deeds are issued and registered in favor of the lender.

What are the advantages of Homelend?

* Speed ​​and efficiency
The process of issuing loans under existing credit conditions is long, uncomfortable and embarrassing for the borrower. Blocking and smart contracts automate all bureaucratic bureaucracy and reduce the entire process of liberation by up to twenty days against 2-3 months, which is required for registration in the traditional way.

* Transparency
Homelend will create a simple, secure and fair lending system, borrowers can quickly and easily apply for loans and also monitor the status and status of their applications in real time.

* Profitability
Homelend will save both sides of the mediator's needs. They will be replaced by a blockade. all documents and data on all transactions will be recorded therein, which will ensure maximum transparency during the entire term of the loan agreement.

* Reliability and security
The encryption method used in the Homelend system with the public key will protect the user's data and money from hacker attacks and other malicious actions.

Beginning of pre-sale: 1.03.2018.

* Coin: HMD.

* Total number of issued coins: 250000000.

* Platform: ERC-20.

* Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 1600 HMD.

* Currency received for payment: BTC, ETH, USD.

* Soft Cap: $ 5,000,000

* Hard Cap: $ 30,000,000

Coin distribution

* For pre-sale: 28%

* For public sale: 36%

* For reserve funds: 20%

* To pay for advisory and consultant services: 8% For

* founder and developer: 8%









MY ETHERWALLET: 0x7D272F921C250d92ed01FD8eDb5fB315C41770bC


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