Introducing the Helios Platform
Helios Mining Ltd. rolling HeliosCoin ICO - the world's first solution for autonomous mining, which focuses on alternative energy. The proposal will be open to the international community. The limit applies to German citizens, and to investors from the United States.
Users are guaranteed, whatever, express or implied, regarding accuracy, truth, or any translation made from English to another language.
We believe that a system is needed to kill crypto to get mass acceptance.
We believe that future mining operations must be distributed to issue information from one government, players, fossil fuels or nuclear energy.
For crypto-mining operations in the future, it is important to reduce systemic related to binding to certain coins or mines. swimming pool.
Thus, Helios Mining Ltd aims to restore the community from critical forces. Individuals must be able to be used in technology and technology.
In addition, Helios Mining Ltd seeks to ensure community involvement in the main mining solution. We, We, Get Rid of Sight to attract a wider audience to the crypt community.
At the establishment stage, crypto mining is a well-distributed network of several thousand private miners, whose settlement is governed by transparent rules.
Their activities do not cause damage to the climate, because they require low capacity. Now everything has changed - the exponential growth of cryptothermings has led to an increase in energy consumption and production concentrations in countries with low standards and environments using fossil fuels.
Even worse, the high concentration of resources in many large companies in this process - in difficult protocols and identification, is due to the economic interests of several players.

HLC flow is Ethereum tokens
based on the ERC-20 standard.
HLC Token grants rights:
to receive 100% of our results in two stages:
• 75% immediately;
• 25% is invested to increase payments in the future,
receive 35% of the income from the company in the form of a decision.
Tokens offered for 92 days:
from 1 July 2018 to 1 October 2018.
Helios Mining Ltd. rolling HeliosCoin ICO - the world's first solution for autonomous mining, which focuses on alternative energy. The proposal will be open to the international community. The limit applies to German citizens, and to investors from the United States.
Total number of tokens: 5 million tokens (Unallocated tokens will not be created)
The price of the release token: 0.001 ETH
Token Distribution
"Bounty" program - 3% distributed tokens.
The founding team is -10% for the founding team.
Reserve - 5% redemption of reserve funds.
Author - 82% of tokens released.
PRE-ICO Start Date: May 1 2018
PRE-ICO Expiry Date: June 1, 2018
ICO Start Date: July 1, 2018
ICO expiration date: October 1, 2018
Contact Us
+ 357 250 250 48
Pre-sale token
Application of smart contracts. GitHub listing. Starting from pre-sales.
First cluster installment. Pre-ICO.
50 kWt sollar panels and immersion cooling boxes.
ASIC installation. Beginning of mining. RE-ICO.
Launch of HeliosCoin ICO
- the beginning of the ICO
- Mining cluster increases
- blockchain intercalation
End of HeliosCoin ICO. List tokens.
List tokens. The order of 10 mWt
solar power system.
Addition of power - mining and solar
10 mWt of electrical solar system installation. Installation of Immersion Cooling Box.
Installation of mining equipment. Early mining.
Cluster distribution
• sowing solar clusters around the world
• mining software for distributed clusters
• cluster distribution worldwide
iOs and Android applications
Implementation of iOs and Android applications for groups of buyers
If you want to be closer and clearer, please ask HELIOS official source below:
Bitcointalk Username: deniyoga
Bitcointalk URL:;u=1978689
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