EXCALIBUR OS - World's First OS with Mining Management system

Image result for excalibur ico

Hello friend, meet me again sitydahlia. Here I will explain the Excalbur project as the best PC operating system.

Excalibur is an operating system designed for PCs and laptops. Excalibur supports application files from large OSes like Android, Windows, Mac, iOS and Linux. Excalibur OS integrates the built-in virus protection system and anti-theft system. The solution also offers a Mining Management System that can mine and manage user coins.

Excalibur Operating System (OS) aims to change the way traditional OSes operate. Users will find new ways to enjoy and share music, photos, videos and TV recordings when and where they want regardless of how or where they are stored. Excalibur OS gives users more ways to access data and work productively from any location including making it easier to connect to a wireless network. With Excalibur OS, IT professionals have more ways to help their people get more jobs - safer and more locations - while maintaining control over an increasingly complex computing environment.


Benefits are the rewards to token holders who have invested in our Business Model or on Tokens. We’ll be providing different type of benefit to token holders that are described below

Market Price of ICO will be increasing in near future, which will be a benefit for token holders as per the point of view of trading.

Operating System BETA Version will be initially be launched for Token Holders in 1st Quarter of 2019.

Mining Management would be very easy by Excalibur OS.

No more expensive fees for Antivirus

Tokens can be sold internationally over the internet

Tokens have a liquidity premium (>1000X improvement in time-to-liquidity)

Transparency of use of funds, an escrow can be used to verify how the funds are being spent after the ICO.

Early contributors will have more liquidity in early stage companies.

Early access to a token which has the potential for rapid capital growth

Contributors are usually the first users of the token – thus unlike holding a stock of a company whose products a contributor never used, ironically our tokens can be more tangible than securities.

Image result for excalibur ico

OS Excalibur feature

Virus and Hacker Attack Protection:
The Excalibur operating system is designed so that no viruses or hackers can attack the system. The main focus is stored on the operating system security so that no hackers or viruses can attack the normal PC work.

Fully Customizable User Interface:

This system is designed with an excellent user interface, the user interface is fully customizable. This system is designed in Material Design and in Lite Design which makes the OS beautiful. Logon and Boot are fully customizable. Virtual Reality is one of the main features proposed for OS Excalibur, the development of this feature has begun.

Artificial intelligence:

The operating system is equipped with Artificial Intelligence. AI sound based systems that will work well with Internet & Non Internet Connectivity. AI will help users to improve their internet experience.


This OS has different types of security such as Password, Pin, Pattern Lock, Voice Unlocking, and Face Lock.

Improve Hardware Performance:

Excalibur is a performance-based OS with a unique hardware control algorithm design, because Kernal was built to improve hardware performance.

Mining and Trading Management System:

This system is designed with a Mining & Trading Management system that helps in managing various coins or tokens. It also has script editing tools such as registering different coins for mining, with access to virtual money conversion and transfer systems.

Excalibur XOS Token

Excalibur OS decided to launch their XOS token on the ERC20 platform because of its ability to support smart contracts. This is also based on the Ethereum blockchain, which allows intelligent contracts to execute themselves. Ethereum also uses a unique and complex data structure known as Merkle Patricia Tree. This structure stores data in several sets allowing fast modification and verification of individual data sets unlike other platforms that use a single structure.

XOS tokens are compatible with most third party wallets and thus will be easily integrated if you already have a wallet. Tokens are set to be released following the basis of the Ethereum and Bitcoin platforms.

Token Information

Token Ticker: XOS
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Token for sale: 2,000,000,000 XOS
Acceptable Currency: ETH, BTC
Price of Token: 1 USD = 100 XOS Tokens
Minimum investment: 100 USD
Softcap: 5,000 ETH
Hardcap: 45,000 ETH


For Further Information About This Project Please Visit The Link Below:

WEBSITE: https://excaliburos.com/

WHITEPAPER: http://excaliburos.com/whitepaper/Excalibur-OS-whitepaperv1.1.pdf

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ExcaliburOS/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OsExcalibur

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/excaliburico

Bitcointalk User Name: deniyoga

Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1978689


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